Headshot of U N E student Ray Evans

As a department we have a lot of opportunities to get out of the classroom.

Headshot of U N E sustainability and business student Ariana Walker

At a school where there are huge classes, you aren’t going to get the time with your professors, so you aren’t going to get the same education that you can get at UNE.

可持续性 and 业务
Luke Colomey stands against a brick wall and smiles directly at the camera

Everyone is really friendly and willing to help out and collaborate. There is a really good air on campus all the time.

工商管理, English, Political 科学
Kristin Dechene Campbell
My background at UNE has given me a strong foundation for career success.
工商管理, Psychology

With the sport management degree, I get an automatic minor 工商管理, so I am learning sports management and business at the same time. They work together really well. It’s everything that I want to do.

工商管理, Sport and Recreation Management

All of the professors tailor their classes to the students and what the students want to learn. I think that is the coolest part.

When you have a bachelor’s degree in business from UNE, you have all that you need to compete for jobs.

The ultimate goal of the class was to travel to Kenya to put our classroom learning to use in a hands-on setting. 我们就是这么做的.

工商管理, Environmental Studies, Political 科学
I was completely drawn in to how much our economic system not only affects the environment, but how it values it as well.
One of the best aspects of the Sport Management [major] is the close relationships you develop with your professors and peers. Small class sizes allow for individualized attention and intense in-class discussions.
Sport and Recreation Management
I have always been involved with sports and the Sport Management program showed me how to go professional in another way other than playing.
Sport and Recreation Management
I like that the 业务 Department has numerous classes that touch on different parts of the business world so you can get a glimpse of what another side is like.

I originally entered the medical biology program, hoping to become a professor of human anatomy, but later decided that although I enjoyed anatomy, 它不适合我. I then changed my major to 工商管理, and feel confident with my decision.


I feel the curriculum of UNE's 工商管理 program is very well-rounded, and I expect to graduate with a better overall understanding of the business world than if I had attended a public university.
